代表性论文: Huilong Yu, F. Cheli, and F. Castelli-Dezza, “Optimal design and control of 4-IWD electric vehicles based on a 14-DOF vehicle model,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 67, no. 11, pp. 10457–10469, 2018. Huilong Yu, F. Zhang, J. Xi, and D. Cao, “Mixed-integer Optimal Design and Energy Management of Hybrid Electric Vehicles with Automated Manual Transmissions,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., pp. 1–1, 2020. Huilong Yu, F. Castelli-Dezza, F. Cheli, X. Tang, X. Hu, and X. Lin, “Dimensioning and Power Management of Hybrid Energy Storage Systems for Electric Vehicles with Multiple Optimization Criteria,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 36, no. 5, 2021. K. Shu, Huilong Yu*, X. Chen, S. Li, L. Chen, Q. Wang, L. Li and D. Cao*. “Autonomous Driving at Intersections: A Behavior-Oriented Critical-Turning-Point Approach for Decision Making,” IEEE/ASME Trans. Mechatronics, pp. 1–1, 2021. Huilong Yu, D. Tarsitano, X. Hu, and F. Cheli, “Real time energy management strategy for a fast charging electric urban bus powered by hybrid energy storage system,” Energy, vol. 112, pp. 322–331, 2016. Huilong Yu, F. Castelli-Dezza, and F. Cheli, “Optimal powertrain design and control of a 2-IWD electric race car,” 2017 Int. Conf. Electr. Electron. Technol. Automot., no. 1, pp. 1–7, 2017. J. Zhang, G. Li, Huilong Yu*, J. Huissoon, D. Cao*, “Interaction-Aware Cut-In Behavior Prediction and Risk Assessment for Autonomous Driving,” 2020 IFAC Conference on Cyber-Physical & Human-Systems,” Beijing, China, 2020. 研究项目: 国家自然科学基金-青年项目,主持; 清华大学汽车安全与节能国家重点实验室开放基金,主持;
加拿大自然基金,Canada CFI, CogSim: An Interaction-Aware Tri-Simulator Facility for Research on Driver Behaviors and Cognitive Autonomous Driving,研究骨干; 加拿大企业合作项目,加拿大华为,Optimization Toolbox Development and Verification for Connected Autonomous Driving based on 5G+ Enabled Holistic Data Fusion,研究骨干; 国际合作项目,东风汽车集团,东风乘用车自动驾驶车辆人机共驾与降维系统研发和应用,研究骨干; 加拿大自然基金,Canada NSERC-DG, Driving-style-oriented human-like automated driving and its verification,参与。 |
IEEE Member IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Member IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society Member IEEE Symposium on Intelligent Vehicle 2018 (IEEE IV 2018), Demonstration & Exhibition, Co-Chair IEEE IV 2018, Special Session, Co-Chair IEEE IV 2018-2022 Associate Editor IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference 2020 (IEEE ITSC2020), Workshop, Co-Chair 受邀担任《汽车工程学报》青年编委,中国汽车工程学会电器技术分会技术与标准专家组特聘专家,机械工程学报,兵工学报,IEEE TVT, IEEE TITS, IEEE TIE, IEEE TII, IEEE TMECH,IEEE IoT, IEEE TTE, Applied Energy, Part D: JAUTO, IET ITS等30余个国际期刊审稿人, 每年审稿量40+。 |